Archived News
Friday 19 August 2022 Careers Fair
Thursday 18 August 2022 Impressive results and ambitious plans for the future once more at La Retraite 6 La Retraite 6 are once again delighted to share the exceptional results achieved by sixth form students, and celebrate the outstanding results attained by the first ever T Level cohort, which saw 100% of students pass their exams, exceeding national averages, and an incredible 62% of students attaining A*-B grades.
Tuesday 16 August 2022 Medic Pathways We are extremely fortunate to work in partnership with a range of institutions and organisations, to enhance our student experience and increase exposure to industry. This year and extending into the future, we have secured partnership with a UCAS Medic Mentor at St Pauls School to support with students’ personal statements; BMAT online support sessions; Warwick University Professor Tunstall will be visiting the La Retraite 6 in September to deliver a medics insight course and Dr Ndidi Boakye, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist will host a guest speaker event focused on careers in mental health next year. These opportunities have fantastic impacts on our students and their networking skills, and we are incredibly grateful.
Monday 15 August 2022 Bianca in the Big City We are thrilled to share that La Retraite 6 student Bianca has successful secured a paid internship this summer with TD Securities, through partnership with IntoUniversity as part of Big City Bright Future. Securing the placement has been no easy feat, involving insight days and application masterclasses, networking and interviews. We would like to extend our thanks to IntoUniversity and Smart Works Charity for their support, providing Bianca with a corporate mentor, CV advice and interview coaching.
Friday 12 August 2022 In the Workplace
Wednesday 10 August 2022 A SNAPSHOT FROM OUR STUDENTS “I am currently in Year 12 at the La Retraite 6, and studying Politics, English Literature and History. I chose to stay on to the Sixth Form because I had strong relationships with my teachers and felt suitably comfortable and challenged in the environment and selected the subjects because I am passionate about writing, and I want to develop my knowledge about the world and our history, I find it fascinating. I hope to study Politics and International Relations at either Warwick of Queen Mary’s university, and believe I am in good stead for this as my teachers, subjects and the La Retraite 6 environment have provided me with a strong foundation to build on”.
Monday 8 August 2022 Build Back Better Business
Wednesday 3 August 2022 On the High Seas As the academic year ended, the La Retraite cadets enjoyed a fantastic sailing trip. The cadets sailed from Portsmouth to Cowes, learning to navigate and steer the ship, whilst displaying fantastic seamanship and other skills they have cultivated throughout the year.
Monday 1 August 2022 Royal Trinity Hospice We are thrilled to share with our wider community that this academic year, La Retraite School has raised £875.00 for Royal Trinity Hospice, a record amount in the history of our fundraising for the chosen charity. Royal Trinity Hospice carries out fantastic work, providing support and care for patients and their family, and we look forward to continuing to support them next year.
Thursday 28 July 2022 A Baobab and an Umbrella
Monday 25 July 2022 Careers Champions! Our Steps to Success careers programme is designed to develop the skills and attributes required for the world of work, alongside offering experiences and exposure to a range of industries, to broaden horizons and ensure students are excited by their future. As a school and Sixth Form, we are committed to ensuring all students receive an outstanding Careers Curriculum and as a result have applied for re-designation of the Investors in Careers Award, to celebrate our provision.
Friday 22 July 2022 Spotlight on: Scholarships Our Scholarship Programme targets the most able 5% in each cohort across Year 7-13 and is designed to raise career aspirations and encourage the development of super curricular skills., seeking to broaden horizons, extend skillsets and develop new interests. The Programme enables access to a menu of events, workshops, conferences and trips, including visits to Oxbridge and Russell Group universities, subject-specific conferences, in-house guest speakers, skills and employability workshops, and careers showcases.
Wednesday 13 July 2022 Our Day Out Below, is an account of the recent Drama performance, Our Day Out, from La Retraite 6 A Level student of Drama and Theatre, Angeline Moya, who has undertaken work experience within the Drama department over a two week period.
Tuesday 5 July 2022 Catching up with the Cadets! This term, the Navy Cadets have been incredibly busy, accomplishing tasks to allow them to progress through the ranks. From learning new skills such as Semaphore and Seamanship, recreating PLTs, adventuring on the climbing wall and participating in the Brixton Parade and Queens Jubilee, they are looking forward to participating in their annual sailing trip in Portsmouth, to commemorate the end of the academic year.
Monday 4 July 2022 Camera, Lights, Inspo!
Friday 1 July 2022 In the Industry!
Tuesday 17 May 2022 Most Promising Teacher We are thrilled to share that La Retraite teacher Iona, has achieved the Lambeth’s Most Promising Teacher Award.
Monday 9 May 2022 Visit to the National Theatre To launch the new term, Year 12 History A Level students visited the National Theatre, to see Andrea Levy’s Small Island.
Friday 22 April 2022 Visit To Cambridge After two years, we returned with 45 of our Scholarship students to tour St Johns College Cambridge University, to meet our La Retraite alumni, learn about the application & admissions process. This was an inspiring trip for our students, encouraging them to aspire high and discover what their future paths can lead them towards.
Thursday 21 April 2022 Coding @ Imperial Two Year 12 Sixth Form students have been engaging in Python coding lessons at Imperial College, led by a member of staff who has practised coding for over three years. Over the course, students have learnt about the fundamentals of Python and now learning more complex Python and used it to do mathematical equations in graphs.
Tuesday 19 April 2022 International Culture Day On 11th March, our Year 12 students celebrated International Culture Day and student Neelima has shared her account of the day.
Monday 18 April 2022 Working in Partnership Working with our local primary schools offers us the opportunity to share our resources and expertise, for the benefit of primary pupils and staff. These mutually beneficial partnerships assist in our unique transition programme, ensuring that all primary pupils enjoy an insight into what to expect at secondary school and a smooth transition into Year 7.
Thursday 14 April 2022 Big Thanks to the Met!
Wednesday 13 April 2022 The Big Sister Club An emerging mentorship program initiated by Sixth Formers and Student Leaders, this club aims to provide academic support and advice to the lower school year groups. The programme covers a spectrum of topics including, choosing GCSE and A-Level subjects, academic support and discussion alongside well-being tips, developing communication skills, promoting empowerment and confidence.
Tuesday 12 April 2022 Super Scholars This term, our Super Scholars started the term focusing on being curious and asking questions, really encouraging students to expand their thinking outside the confines of their GCSE or A level syllabus.
Monday 11 April 2022 InPartnership IntoUniversity As part of our partnership with IntoUniversity, we are warmly welcoming representatives to the Sixth Form to host workshops with Year 12 students, focused on UCAS and writing personal statements. Throughout the Easter holidays, they will be running sessions including revision tips with laptop access, study skills workshops, Q&A sessions and 1:1 support on future pathways. Visit our website to find out more:
Thursday 7 April 2022 Sherriff's Challenge This term, Year 12 Politics students ventured to Imperial University to participate in the Sheriffs Challenge, an event to help students hone their public speaking skills. Students debated ‘Should the purpose of the City of London go beyond creating jobs and wealth’ and with the help of the Worshipful Company of Insurers, delivered a fantastic debate focusing on improving diversity in the City. We look forward to working with the Livery companies on future projects.
Thursday 7 April 2022 In the Community Evert week, Year 12 students Renee, Haamidah, Precious and Airienne volunteer at the Agnes Riley Gardens Refugee Centre. The centre provides a space for families with nursery aged children to learn English, receive hot meals and meet other people, and safe place following traumatic journeys and frightening scenes for all. We are incredibly proud of our Sixth Formers who offer valuable help and support, preparing good, playing with children and helping adults learn English.
Tuesday 5 April 2022 Heading Stateside We are really excited that we are able to begin our trips abroad again. We will be taking Sixth Formers to New York in January 2023. Our theologists will be inspired by St Patrick's Cathedral; Construction students by the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge; Economists will visit the stock market; Politics students the Statue of Liberty and we will enjoy visits to the museums in Central Park.
Monday 4 April 2022 Our New Facilities Last term, we brought the fantastic news that the DfE awarded us Capital Build Funding to create the Novello Centre. Since then, we are delighted to announce that we have been given further funding to expand the initial plans.
Friday 1 April 2022 Preparing for the Future: Catch Up In early March, we brought you news of The Medic Portal introducing 15 students across Year 11 and 12 to what the BMAT is, and how aspiring medic students can ensure they are fully prepared for the exam.
Friday 1 April 2022 Women in Construction On International Women’s Day, La Retraite 6 hosted a Women into Construction event, to inform and educate female students interested in learning more about careers within the construction industry. We welcomed a number of successful and inspirational women from across the sector, including architects, form workers, property surveyors who gave valuable insights into how they achieved their careers and the routes they took to land their ambitious jobs.
Thursday 31 March 2022 Academic Excellence: Monet and Media Year 12 Media students were challenged to create a short horror film script, as part of their Unit 22 course work. Students undertook research to understand the different types of scripts, understand how screenplay is formatted and drafted different scripts until they were proud to submit their final draft.
Tuesday 29 March 2022 Construction T Level: Work Experience We caught up with our Construction students to find our more of their placements:
Thursday 24 March 2022 MyGovCentral Blog Our Director of Sixth Form, Ruth Coyle, has been invited to contribute and blog for MyGovCentral, a new online resource designed to help public and voluntary sector professions develop better public services through shared learning and case study led articles, videos and interviews. The first blog introduced T Levels and the Construction, Design and Planning syllabus, launching September 2022 at La Retraite 6.
Monday 21 March 2022 Catching up with Keisha La Retraite School and Hitherfield Primary School alumna Keisha is currently studying Psychology, Theology and English Literature at La Retraite 6. We caught up with her to find out about her post-16 plans.
Thursday 17 March 2022 University Destinations Already this term, we are celebrating a host of impressive offers from prestigious universities
Tuesday 15 March 2022 A Year 13 Showcase Year 13 students performed monologues from their A Level acting exam to Year 11 Drama students this term. The performance formed the Text in Performance component of their A level examination: a monologue from a scripted, published text.
Monday 14 March 2022 In The Classroom: Drama and Theatre Over a period of six weeks, Year 12 students devised ideas based on a stimulus script, which culminated in a devised piece scripted by students and arranged with technical details. Creating a portfolio to accompany the piece formed part of the devising component of the A Level Drama and Theatre examination.
Thursday 10 March 2022 Preparing for the Future The BMAT (BioMedical Admissions Test) is an aptitude test used as part of the admissions process for Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Dentistry in some universities in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Spain, Malaysia, Thailand, Hungary, Croatia and the Netherlands. In early March, a member of The Medic Portal introduced 15 students across Year 11 and 12 to what the BMAT is, and how aspiring medic students can ensure they are fully prepared for the exam.
Wednesday 9 March 2022 Exploring the Sector As part of the T Level in Childcare and Education we aim to provide our students with opportunities to explore different sectors and listen to employees' journeys into their chosen careers, together with their roles and responsibilities.
Monday 7 March 2022 Textiles Takeover Creative Arts have kicked off with a bang already this year, engaging in a host of engaging and insightful experiences. In January, artist Charlotte Dack led an experimental pattern cutting workshop for Year 12 students, providing a fantastic opportunity to work with a professional from the Creative Industry, gain an understanding of new skills and provide inspiration and to help create their own original outcomes for their Construct, Deconstruct and Reconstruct project.
Friday 4 March 2022 International Women's Day We are excited to welcome Jean Duprez MBE to La Retraite for International Women's Day this year. Jean is passionate about her work in raising awareness with women both in recruitment – and more importantly retention – within the construction industry and supports the organisation Women into Construction (WIC) in order to achieve their aims. In 2015 she was awarded an MBE for her services to skills and training. Jean and other professionals will be talking to selected students about opportunities in the construction industry and their experiences working in the construction industry as a woman.
Friday 4 March 2022 Digital Leaders This year we have launched a Digital Leader scheme in school, allowing students with strong technical skills to support others around the school with their Chromebooks. Identified by their silver badge, the role shows they have good technical skills on the PC and Chromebook and are able to help others.
Wednesday 2 March 2022 What's Happening with Digital? The Digital T-Level is going from strength to strength. All of La Retraite 6 Year 13 students on the course have decided that they want to pursue a career in the technology sector and are well on their way to achieving it.
Tuesday 1 March 2022 In the Workforce We are incredibly excited for our PCP Construction students, who this term succeeded in gaining work experience placements to complement their classroom learning. Congratulations to Dayana who is heading to Grainger PLC’s London office and Tiana, Sharon and Sophie who are going to Transport for London central office in Southwark. We are looking forward to hearing about their experiences and sure they will be able to put into practice much of what they have learnt during their Construction course so far.
Tuesday 1 March 2022 Ofsted Visit As a pioneer centre for T Level education, La Retraite 6 welcomed Ofsted to the Sixth Form to research how the T Levels are implemented, educational effectiveness and the quality of education. In September 2020, the Sixth Form launched T Level education with Digital Business, Childcare, Construction and Midwifery and we are proud to contribute to the national report.
Monday 21 February 2022 Launching: Legal and Media T Level education offers learners the opportunity to gain a real experience of the workplace and a skilled job on an industry placement, blended with classroom theory and practical learning. Launching September 2023, La Retraite 6 will offer Legal Services and Media, Broadcast and Production. Watch this space to find out more!
Thursday 10 February 2022 Healthy Lifestyles Students across Key Stage 3 – 5 have been competing in a multistage fitness test, and discussing how their knowledge gained in lessons can be used to improve their fitness levels. Whilst reflecting on their score in the test and their current physical fitness, students discussed how they can engage in a healthy lifestyle, and their attitude throughout the sessions have been exemplary, displaying resilience and determination to better their score.
Thursday 10 February 2022 Back at the Young Vic! Sixth Form drama students ventured to the Young Vic Theatre to watch Best of Enemies, a fantastic performance set in 1968 (also known as the year of protest which divided America), as two men fought to become the next President. The performance was greatly appreciated for its special effects and fantastic acting – an inspiration to our budding cohort.
Thursday 10 February 2022 Community Languages At La Retraite, we value the languages spoken by our community and have approximately 40 languages spoken across our school community.
Wednesday 12 January 2022 Global Pathways: Law and Finance
Monday 10 January 2022 Ready for Success Year 12 student Neelima celebrated an outstanding 78/80 in her recent Media mock exam. The achievement is a testament to her hard work and dedication to the subject she is most passionate about, and we are even more proud as it is the highest grade ever achieved in a La Retraite Media exam.
Monday 13 December 2021 Theatre Company La Retraite Theatre Company presented “A Christmas Revue”, a range of sketches, songs acts and dances, some poignant, some funny, all adding to the joy of Christmas time. The show was directed and acted by Drama and Theatre A Level students and students from all other years participated.
Thursday 25 November 2021 La Retraite Gives Back We place great value on supporting our local and wider community. Our Giving Back programme inspires students to work together and demonstrates to them what I means to be empathetic and active citizens through fundraising, support and volunteering.
Thursday 25 November 2021 Football Champions La Retraite Under 18 Girls’ played their first friendly match of the season against Bishop Thomas Grant last week Wednesday. A challenging game, every one of our girls showed high levels of resilience. It was truly refreshing to be back in the competitive spirit following a long break due to the lockdowns, and although the game ended 4-1 to the opposition, we congratulate all of our young women that participated in the match.
Tuesday 16 November 2021 Understanding the Brain Year 12 and 13 Psychology andBiology studentsparticipated in a Brain Day event by the Medical Biology Interactive. The fascinating one-day workshop covered neuroanatomy, brain chemistry, drugs and the bran, bran damage, dissection and the criminal brain.
Tuesday 16 November 2021 Networking Opportunities The Antigua and Barbuda High Commission UK and the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority (UK and Europe) warmly welcomed Mrs Sacks- Director of Innovative Learning opportunities, pictured here alongside the Global representative from the AUA Mamta Purbey, to the Business Forum celebrating 40 years of A & B independence at the Royal Air Force Club.
Sunday 14 November 2021 Royal Court Theatre Visit
Sunday 14 November 2021 Theatre Visit Drama students from across Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 thoroughly enjoyed a visit to the theatre last week, to see the West End production of Wicked.
Tuesday 9 November 2021 Welcoming our New Presidential Team! At the La Retraite 6, students are encouraged and empowered to take on positions of responsibility and leadership. Our Presidential Team, pictured below, are highly valued and respected role models within the school and sixth form community. Embarking on these roles allow students to work together to drive change across the school and sixth form, and aids the development of key skills including communication, leadership, problem-solving, listening, collaboration and public speaking. This year, we warmly welcome Tasian, Shahir, Chiamaka, Arielle, Bianca, Hannah and Leah as our new Sixth Form Student President Team and look forward to working with them over the next year.
Tuesday 19 October 2021 Drama Collaboration We take great pride in the partnership between our main school and Sixth Form. This term, our Year 12 students have volunteered in main school Drama lessons and directing the La Retraite Theatre Company. The Drama department were incredibly impressed by the great enthusiasm, commitment and professionalism displayed by Year 12 students in their role.
Wednesday 13 October 2021 Building Robots Our Digital T-Level cohort were thrilled to have received their Lego Robot Inventor kits; brand new models complete with many modern and innovative features. Students are currently building their first robot, which they are learning to programme to solve challenges, and we look forward to utilising the robots across the school and curriculum with other year groups.
Monday 4 October 2021 La Retraite 6 welcomes the Minister for Skills The La Retraite 6 is an Ofsted Outstanding sixth form and was one of the first centres in England to pioneer T Level education in September 2020, currently offering its 120 co-educational cohort Digital, Childcare and Education and Construction T Levels alongside A Level and Cambridge Technical qualifications.
Wednesday 1 September 2021 Sixth Form Induction Day Timetable 12 PETCH
Tuesday 31 August 2021 La Retraite 6 2021 Results Highlights include:
Wednesday 7 July 2021 Year 12 Drop Down Day Year 12 will be taking part in a drop-down day on Monday 19 July. During this day, students will complete their university applications. Below you will find a link to a presentation for parents and carers, giving more information around the UCAS application process and how you may support your child in making choices for the next stage of their education.
Friday 18 June 2021 A Taste of A Level History As part of our Taster Days Programme, 14 students who have just finished Year 11 from La Retraite and other schools across Lambeth and neighbouring boroughs, came along to gain an insight of what the A Level history course at the La Retraite 6 involves.
Friday 11 June 2021 Collaborating with Leo Burnett Year 12 Media students took part in an interesting and engaging lesson with Leo Burnett, an American advertising agency based in Saatchi & Saatchi. Students ventured to the offices in Chancery Lane and Brixton Windmill and were challenged to create a media campaign for Leo Burnett to inspire diverse young people to consider careers in advertising, by identifying the barriers that prevent those people from pursuing such roles. All students were incredibly creative in their thought process, devising imaginative campaigns to reach out toe their target audience and inspire them. Throughout the process, students had to develop a creative treatment for a campaign and device on the best execution, whether it be film, user generated content or social media. The next steps will be to work with Leo Burnett’s professional production team to create the campaign they have devised.
Wednesday 2 June 2021 In Industry Students from both the T Level Education and Childcare & Digital Production and Design courses have applied for and obtained 45-day industry placements with a range of employers in the education and media industry.
Friday 21 May 2021 La Retraite Legacy Continue to Soar! Ellen was one of my top students long ago and far away in the days when we used to teach girls in classrooms. She went on to achieve great things in English Literature at GCSE and A Level before reading it at the University of Oxford.
Friday 30 April 2021 Welcome to our new website
Monday 12 April 2021 More Lockdown Learning Triumphs! During lockdown, Year 12 Media students were tasked with creating a short horror film script, as part of the Unit 22 coursework for A Level Media Studies.
Friday 9 April 2021 The Next Chapter Since returning to school, we have been incredibly impressed with the work ethic displayed by our Year 13 students. In addition, many students have already secured offers at top universities and are excited about the next chapter in their lives.
Tuesday 6 April 2021 In The Industry
Friday 2 April 2021 Inspiring the Next Generation! Kings College London African Caribbean Medical Society (ACMS) incorporates a team of students from African and Caribbean backgrounds, studying medicine at Kings College London. Founded in 2018, KCL ACMS has contributed to the wider community through outreach projects, one of which is the African Caribbean Raising Aspirations Programme. At La Retraite, our team is committed to inspiring the next generation of young people to pursue higher education and a career in medicine.
Monday 15 March 2021 Academic Excellence: Drama! Socially distanced student performances of a range of dramatic monologues were held in the drama studio this week. As part of Sixth Formers A Level Drama and Theatre practical examination, students developed, rehearsed, and realised a performance of scripted, published monologue from a variety of playwrights: extracts from Road by Jim Cartwright, Girls and Dolls by Lisa McGee, Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman, Skylight by David Hare, Five Kinds of Silence by Shelagh Stephenson, Goodbye Charles by Gabriel Davis.
Thursday 11 March 2021 Work Experience for the NHS Year 12 student Xavier recently fulfilled his work experience for the NHS. We caught up with him to find out about his experience.
Monday 8 March 2021 Our Alumni We would like to extend a very special thank you to a member of the La Retraite community and alumni member, who attended our school 20 years ago and returned this week to make a generous donation to our school library.
Monday 1 March 2021 Model UN At the end of February, a group of our Year 12 Politics students attended the Model UN weekend event, hosted by the London School of Economics.
Thursday 4 February 2021 Creative Arts at La Retraite This week, Marjo Lei, one of our talented Year 13 Textiles students, was invited for an interview with the University of the Arts London to study Fashion Design. Ranked as one of the top universities for art and design, this is a huge achievement and exciting prospect for Mario.
Tuesday 2 February 2021 Representation and Research A Level Geography students developed their public speaking and research skills, in a virtual task which enabled them to explore how their local area of Lambeth and the borough of Newham are portrayed in Art, literature, music and social media to examine how they are represented and perceived by others. Students presented their findings to their peers over teams and displayed great teamwork and innovation in their approaches that they undertook to find different representations.
Monday 1 February 2021 Partnership with the Worshipful Company of International Bankers' Sixth Form Economics students participated in a competition led by the Worshipful Company of International Bankers (WCIB), as a result of our working relationship with the bank. The competition required students to craft a thousand-word essay focused on setting up a brand-new bank.
Thursday 28 January 2021 Why Should You Undertake the ASDAN Award at the LR6? The Level 3 CoPE Award (Certificate of Personal Effectiveness) is a substantial, nationally recognised qualification in skills development. It enables students to practise, develop and demonstrate six vital skills required for success in higher education, training or employment: teamwork, problem-solving, discussion, research, oral presentation and self-management.
Tuesday 26 January 2021 Investigating Our Futures As part of their home learning, Key Stage 4 & 5 students have been conducting their own research into Russell Group Universities and the opportunities attending one of the universities will afford those who progress upon this pathway.
Wednesday 20 January 2021 Ruth Coyle: Our Director of Sixth Form - National Strategic Lead for the AoC The La Retraite 6 prides itself on delivering outstanding vocational education for over 20 years. The opportunity to further develop our vocational provision arose two years ago, when the Department of Education gave institutions the chance to be involved in the delivery of a new Technical qualification, the T Level.