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La Retraithe Sixth Form

Open Events 2025/26

We are delighted to invite prospective students to find out more about life at La Retraite 6, by joining us at our open events.

Open Day - Saturday 20th September 2025 (9am - 12:00pm)

open evening - Thursday 6th NOVEMber 2025 (4pm - 6pm)

Our Open Events are the perfect opportunity to hear from our Director of Sixth Form, experience taster sessions, take a tour of the sixth form and meet members of our teaching staff and students. 

If you are unable to attend our open evening or would like to visit the sixth form again, with your child or other family member, we are holding open mornings throughout September and October. 

Join us for a tour of the school, opportunity to meet with the Headteacher and see the school, teachers and students in action at our open day.

Please complete all fields marked (*)

Personal Tours 

Personal tours and coffee mornings will run throughout September and October, offering the opportunity for 1:1 meetings with students and the Director of Sixth Form. 

To book your tour, please call 020 8673 5644 Ext 128

until then

Check out our Twitter to find out more about life at La Retraite 6Read our school newsletters to discover more about every day life at the schoolRead about our A Level success storiesFind out about our unique transition programmeFind out more about the admissions policy and processRead our prospectusHear what our students have to say

The La Retraite Legacy