Design Surveying & Planning for Construction
Studying Construction at La Retraite 6
Why study this course?
The T-Level in Construction will give you a very good grounding for the future within the built environment/construction industry, with hands on experience through work placements within industry. It will lay out a career pathway ahead so you can decide your journey into the construction industry and what area you may wish to specialise in.
Overview of course content
The content is split into a core component that is common to all Construction T Levels, where you will develop a general understanding of construction including:
- Digital engineering techniques
- Construction methods, design principles and processes
- The science behind building design, surveying and planning
- How the Internet of Things (IoT) impacts construction
- The construction industry and its role in the economy
- Sustainability and the environmental impact of construction
- Business, commerce and corporate social responsibility
You will also be able to choose from four occupational specialisms:
- 1.Surveying and Design for Construction and the Built Environment
- 2.Civil Engineering
- 3.Building Services Design
- 4.Hazardous Materials Analysis and Surveying
Year 12 - Curriculum Map
Year 13 - Curriculum Map
T Level Construction - Curriculum Intent
You will take a combination of exams and written based assignments and practical tasks as part of this qualification. The core component will be assessed through a project set by employers in the industry and two externally-set tests.
Your choice of occupational specialism will allow you to develop the relevant skills in preparation for your career in construction. Each occupational specialism is assessed through a project that is created in conjunction with relevant employers. The employer-set project ensures students have the opportunity to combine core knowledge and skills to develop a substantial piece of work in response to an employer set brief.
Future Careers
- Architect
- Surveyor
- Civil Engineer
- Construction Site Manager
- Design Manager.